Word becoming flesh

we learn from one another
a sharing here, a sharing there
a thought, an idea, a story, a joke
in this big world of ours
little things matter
this sunday, as you know,
the gospel will be about jesus curing the ten lepers
only one of whom -- and this, a samaritan who was not expected to be good --
returned to say thank you.
part of what i will be sharing to congregations
which i now advance
is a reference to a song by the carpenters
which for  a good part of the piece
is just a lovely piano movement
and then, and then
unobtrusively, creeps us the haunting voice of karen:
'sometimes, not often enought
we reflect upon the good things
and our thoughts always center around those we love
and i think of all the people
who mean so much to me
and all the many things happening to me
that made me so very happy
and i count the times i had forgotten to say
thank you
just how much i love them.....
and just as softly as she entered the music
her voice fades
and the piano fades
leaving the listene
if he or she is attentive enough
to say to self first
perhaps to god second
or in reverse order
thank you
thank you lord
i love you lord
and one looks around
and thinks around
of the many people
in one's life
husband, wife, daughter, son
mother, father, sister, brother
relatives, friends
where are they now
when was the last time i said to them
thank you
i love you
even jesus, as the gospel reveals,
missed a thank you
'were not ALL TEN made clean?
where are the other nine
is there no one to thank god
except this stranger, this foreigner?
(for samaritans, to jews, were outcasts
and jews, to samaritans, were enemies
which is why in the parable of the good samaritan
the twist is really that the samaritan
who was not expected to be good
was even better than the priest and the levite
who WERE expected to be good
but passed by on THE OTHER SIDE.)
and so, today, or this sunday,
may we all say to those we love
i love you
and to those who have done us good
thank you.
and we must say it clear
and say it loud enough to be understood
for the realm of silence
is large enough beyond the grave
here, now, where we are
while silence also has its role
we need to say
thank you
i love you
years ago, dear chio,
in our student days
you won the bacs elocution contest
with the piece
wanted, a chaperone.
hear god now saying to you
i shall be your chaperone
i want to be your chaperone
may i?"
 your answer of yes
will be your happiness
our life
your joy
happy weekend tabi
father rod